A downloadable diorama

Ol' Dune Interactive Diorama!

Part of the duty is resting well

Robin is a Space Scout on the Semiarid Planet of Proxima B, and an important part of her duties is to rest well between misions!

Robin Character sheet

The place is called Ol'Dune Autodiner, and it's an automated rest stop in which Robin awaits new orders, as it's central to the comunities she is assigned to help. 

In this Interactive Diorama you can just relax and explore the small rest stop, and watch Robin drink some coffee, watch her rest and jawn, or watch her practice her aim! 

Music playing inside the diner is: In The Mood For Food. by: Barrie Gledden and Kes Loy.

All other stuff is made by me :D

Hope you like it! I surely loved doing it UwU

Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/redpandafox (Soon I'll add this project)



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